Refresher training
level 2
Training content
Level 2 Motor strategies and functional predominance
Thursday morning
Automatic motor programming of the trunk and lower limb (automatic reaction of the LSCF trigone, walking from above, from below)
Disturbances related to excess in the spine and lower limb
Disturbances related to dysrhythmias in the spine and lower limb
Relation to the concept of motor preferences
Rising kinetic chain: lower limb, thorax pelvis and upper limb, passageways
Thursday afternoon, Friday and Saturday morning:
4 workshops where will be reviewed: examinations, radiography, specific mobilizations, therapeutic education, specific stabilization, rehabilitation of motor control (analytical) sensorimotor rehabilitation (global stabilization), contribution of neuro-techniques dynamic.
Workshop 1: Shoulder (cap, capsulitis) Epicondylitis + sports situation
Workshop 2: Clinically unstable hip, knee and foot, trochanteritis, pubalgia, knee tendonitis + sport situation
Workshop 3: Non-postural low back pain + MC Kenzie contribution + sports situation
Workshop 4: non-postural neck pain + MC Kenzie contribution + sport situation
For who ?
AKACS member; € 400
No Member; € 550
Basic training
Level 1 improvement
Health professional